I came across this article today (while I should've been writing and doing research) It's written for advisors trying to help their students who may feel like their hands are bound--unable to write (type). Being the adept, literate, flexible learners that we are, we should have no difficulty transposing ourselves into any role we wish to assume.
Clutch-Starting Stalled Research Students.
Many research students go through periods where their research seems to stall, their motivation drops, and they seem unable to make any progress. As supervisors (major professors), we attempt to remain alert to signs that our student's progress has stalled. Drawing on cognitive strategies, this article explores a problem-solving model supervisors can use to identify the major causes of the student's lack of progress and facilitate the student's re-ignition. Each of the problem identification and solving phases is acknowledged by and situated within research on postgraduate supervision and supported by analyzing transcripts from a study on postgraduate supervision.
Ahern, K., & Manathunga, C. (2004). Clutch-starting stalled research students. Innovative Higher Education, Vol. 28 (4). pp. 237-254
This link will get you the full pdf of the article assuming you have appropriate rights through your library or have an individual account.
It looks good, by way of a brief scan. It is yet to be seen if it can help me pull myself out of this slump.
-Joel G.
(I'm not a Doctor, but I play one on the web)